Saturday, September 28, 2002

Circular No 46

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. Caracas, 28 of September 2002. Circular No. 46
Dear Friends,

Now a short story from my friend Robert Huggins:
Hi Las,

Keep up the good work. While it is great to see the number of old boys coming under one roof, it is unfortunate that very few see it fit to write about all the crazy exploits that we as students under the watchful or not so watchful eyes of Fr(s). Bernard, Augustine, Gregory and others would get up to.

While I would admit that not every day was a happy one, the memories that I have of MSB today are lasting, and looking back were enjoyable. I remember the hikes to white stones and continuing on to the old Monastery on Mount Tabor, playing in the scout band and the long weekend camps in Mayaro. As Sparrow would say, school days were happy! happy! days.

Hey Manuel remember the scout band, may not remember me, but then again many should. I was the most miserable young student together with Gordon Mitchell (young boxhead), where did you get that name from? that loved to "terrorize" the "big boys". It was hit and run, run like you never ran before, because when you got caught, God help you. Cut ass for days.

I remember playing in the Mount band as a drummer, dressed in either white, or scout uniform. With the scout hat on my head, and drum at my side, I was invisible. Manuel was head drummer at the time, with others like Daniel de Verteuil, Roger Ames, Nigel Boos, and others whose names I can't remember at this time. At that time, the Mount band was the best in the island, no other scout troop had a band. What do you expect! We where the best.

Something else always fascinated me. Where did all the nick names come from? how where they derived? But then that might be another story, maybe one for you Don? or Chris?, Wayne?.

Continuing the Who is Where, Roger need some more two liners!!!

31. Harry Laughlin. Harry got a degree in mathematics, went into teaching for awhile, and the last that I knew is that he was building furniture.
My project, to round up the Form V boys of Class 1959 is moving ahead with the following old boys missing.

Gerard Pampellone, ( I am sure his brother David Pampellone will be kind enough to help??? This task should not be too hard for a 1960 graduate).
Claude Johnson, I have his snail mail address,
Nobody seems to know Roland Chin and Roland Gokool.
There is one mystery guy.
I have a new member for the 1959 class: Christopher Marothy.
And before I close, a short note from Carlos Dvorak
I am Carlos E. Dvorak, was student in The Abbey School during the years 1966 thru 1969. I am in Caracas Venezuela.
When I was at the school Fr. Bernard was the Head, I also joined the scout group and I was ASM.

Best Regards
Carlos, I would like you to get into contact with me by telephone.

God Bless

Listado: C46 .xls
Photos: Christian Goddard and Hugh Henderson
12 Carnival Queen 1964
Column: 020811 That is all right


Listado C46.xls

Names Form V Contact Nickname business address Phone e-mail
Lovell, Jasper

Lucky, Anthony 1958 roge
Judge High Court TT,
Lucky, Winston

Luongo, Humberto 1967 pablo
YV Maturin, caripito (0416) 489 3234
MacCauley, Lawrence

Mafie, Roland

Mafisi, Philip 1958


Maingot, John

Malaver, Carlos

Malaver, Frank

Malaver, Inocente


Saturday, September 21, 2002

Circular No 45

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. Caracas, 21 of September 2002. Circular No. 45
Dear Friends,

Here is a running commentary on Bro. Vincent, (Lionel Roberts, remember his
name?) between Glen Evelyn, John Gioannetti and your correspondent.
Sent: Sunday, 15 September, 2002 10:36 AM

As you can see I moused my gifted dyslexic friend John in the hope of persuading him to sharpen his finger and help me with some dribble, trivia and maybe even some good humor.
He is a little more learn'd from reading all those books at Mt. I'm sure that between us we can do the humming bird (fly backwards) and recall some misery.
P.S. I could not remember how to spell the green and white house below.
Sent: Saturday, 9/14/2002 07:30 PM

Dear Glen,
I would like you to include additional paragraphs on Bro. Vincent for the msb old boys.
I am in dire need for articles!!!!
In your 8 June 2002 letter you wrote John Gioannetti and me:

Well, lets open another door on yesterday. The subject of this letter is to honour another of heaven's favours to small boys with stick out ears.
Brotherhood to me is a word that means Vincent a great-hearted man always fu' o' care. He slipped his foot many times ( walking up and down the mountain to and from the playing field) but never his tongue. Out of the three houses (Laurence, Anthony and Francis) he appeared to favour mine which was the colour of his race. Questionable??? Even though he stole away from the white robe, I was pleased to see the picture of him with his companion dressed in white. The Abbey School of these days is a collection of emails. Be kind and drop Ladislao a line.
From: John Gioannetti
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 15:21:51
To: Glen Evelyn

That wont stop u guzzling the vodka will it.
Are we talking about Br. Vincent who was there in 60's and 70's?
If him, when I came back to Trinidad about 3 years ago, I went to look for him. I heard from Cutty that he had left the priesthood. Cutty said that he was married with a family and lived in Miami, doing work with drug abuse kids.
I was extremely fond of him. His family was from Guayaguare / past Mayaro on East Coast.
Many times when riding up there I would bounce him up when he was on Holidays.
Does any one have a contact e-mail for him..................
If its him, I can only remember that he was an exceptionally nice man. He always had time to talk to you and not down to you. He was always willing to be a friend when I felt that I had no friends at Mount. He never judged you, he would give you his opinion straight if u asked for it, but he would not push his views down your throat.
I do not think I can recall him ever losing his cool once, Rosendal, a Surinamese boy tried to stab him with a fork in the refectory. He was no wimp and could have chewed Rosendal up with out even breaking a sweat, but he held back. Other than a fantastic person and a friend, I can't remember any specifics.
Are we talking about the same guy?
Bro. Vincent was a man, he never bullshitted you. He would discipline you if you deserved it, but fair, and he did not hold grudges. I have only the
highest admiration for him.
Now would you like me to tell you about the snakes?????????????????
From: Glen Evelyn
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 17:44:18
To: Ladislao Kertesz

This week was difficult as I had to lay off 15 workers with families because of the down turn in activity. I am going to Russia tomorrow to do a job and when I return in one month I will also be transferred out of Venezuela. The Company has not told me where but I will keep in touch. As for Bro Vincent I can't recall much but Salvador Coscarat was his good friend. Drop him a line.
Continuing the Who is Where, thanks to Roger Henderson:

31. Gerard Arneaud was or is living in Germany, but I haven't seen or spoke to him in 20 or 30 years.
He seems to be in TT but I tried to contact his family but no luck, maybe some one can help. It would be nice if anyone that know our weekly Who is Where Alumnus, would give us an update and puts us in contact with him, or at least call him up and give him the WEB page.

God Bless

Listado: C45 .xls
Photos: glen y guitarra
Guitarra1 collection

For information only: Glen´s hobby is to make guitars. He made all the guitars that you saw in the photo, these and many more that have been given away as gifts, (maybe some that have been sold???). So you rock musicians and fans, no need to look further!!! Rafael make your move, he is having a house clearance when he gets back from Russia.

Column: 020804 wvb preparing a regime


Listado C45.xls
Names Form V Contact Nickname business address business phone e-mail
Lloyd, Edward 1962 roger
Aberdeen, Scotland,
Lloyd, Maurice
BC canada,
Lockart, Clive

Look, Pat (RIP)

Lopes, Benedict J.
Toronto, Ontario
Lopes, John

Lopez, Eugene

Lopez, Jesus

Lorenzo, Richard

Loria-Yonepan, David glen


Saturday, September 14, 2002

Circular No 44

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. Caracas,
14 of September 2002. Circular No. 44

Dear Friends,

As you might have noticed, sometimes I am pretty well outdated as to publishing resumes and articles by other old boys. This is because of the large amount of response that I have to check, correspond with the person that wrote the article and mainwhile I loose track of the would be circular and after all this I find it again and it gets published.
One of these is the resume of Christopher Date.
I was at Mount from January 1954 to Form V in December 1959. I went on to Douai School, Near Reading, England to do my 'A' levels. After that I was "articled" with a firm of Chartered Accountants in London.
After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant I worked in London until I returned to Trinidad with Price Waterhouse in December 1971.
In 1976 I left PW to form the firm of Date, Montgomery & Co with David Montgomery. In 1982 we dissolved that practice and I continued as C W DATE & CO until I left Trinidad in March 1984 to settle in England. During 1984 and 1985 I worked with Jon Golding in Whiteghall, London to build his company Sterling Westminster Limited.
From 1985 to 1988 I was Finance Director to a group of companies involved in Tower Cranes and Fork Lift trucks.
In 1988 I returned to the profession as a Partner in a north London practice, KEELINGS.
From 1994 to the present I have been a sole practitioner in Chorleywood, England

I will forward this e-mail to Robert & Alan and ask them to update you on their movements in the past forty years.
Robert is now a Captain with BWIA, based in Trinidad.
Alan is a Lecturer in Soeul, South Korea.

Keep up the good work,
I am in touch with Robert Date with whom I had lunch at the Trinidad and Tobago Yacht Club, old Royal Queen´s Yacht Club (Sorry Robert for changing your name to Anthony in circular 41), also Alan Date whose football adventure was published in circular No. 42.
Continuing the Who is Where, thanks to Roger Henderson:
30. Leon Alves is that he had a company in Trinidad called Alves Engineering and Filtration, Ltd
Leon Alves is quite difficult to contact but one day???
Daniel de Verteuil is back from his trans Canadian trip, resting at home.
As a project, I am rounding up the Form V boys of Class 1959, I am missing a few old boys and their email. Gerard Pampellone, ( I am sure his brother David Pampellone is kind enough to help, it should not be too hard for a 1960 graduate??) Claude Johnson, I have his snail mail address, I have tried to contact Roland Chin but no answer, Roland Gokool is not in the TT telephone directory, and there is one mystery guy, he is in the photo but neither Michael Herrera, George Laquis and Christopher Date recognize him, (they must be kidding!!!)
And before I close, a short note from Manuel Prada
Ladislao and friends, just great to hear from you all, soon will write. Now I am extremely busy teaching at college level and trying to survive due to the mess in which our country is in.
Regards, Manuel Prada.
God Bless

Listado: C44 .xls
Photos: mypc3, left to right, Matias Fedak, Ladislao Kertesz , Pepe Braggio,
Enrique Castells
12Puerto pos
Column: 020728 wvb Waiting for it II
Names Form V Contact nicknames business address business phone e-mail
Lewis, Anthony
Hope valley. W.Australia
Lewis, Brian 1962 roger
TT architect
Lewis, Jerry 1962 jon

Likam, Roger

Lipavsky, Roberto
YV margarita (0295) 263 1045, 263 9613
Littlepage, Desmond

Llamozas, Carrara

Llanos, Anthony (RIP)
Hope Valley, W.Australia
Llanos, Noel
Calgary, Albert
Llanos, Robert


Saturday, September 07, 2002

Circular No 43

Not yet located