Saturday, October 26, 2002

Circular No 50

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 26 of October 2002. Circular No. 50
Dear Friends, a couple of lines from Jaime Elias Benazar Andrade:
Debo empezar por agradecer tu gentil llamada del día martes. Trate de enviarte respuesta ayer pero sabes en ciertas ocasiones estas maquinas se ponen algo necias y no hubo forma de hacerlo.
Debo explicarte que efectivamente estudié en Mount St. Benedict en los años escolares 66-67 y 67-68, en Form I y Form II respectivamente. Me parece formidable que alguien haya tomado la iniciativa de reunir información y ex alumnos en este extraordinario medio que es el web. Espero que podemos compartir más adelante experiencias y tantos recuerdos de aquella época.
Los teléfonos de mi oficina son (0212) 286 3323/286 2440, es un despacho de abogados.
Espero que en futuro cercano mantengamos comunicación constante.
Jaime Elías Benazar Andrade

I must start thanking you for your call last Tuesday. I have tried to send you an answer yesterday but you know that under certain occasions these machines turn to be stupid and there was no way of doing it.

I must explain that effectively I studied at Mount St. Benedict during school years 66-67 and 67-68 in Form I and Form II respectively. I find it formidable that someone has under taken the initiative to gather information and alumni in this extraordinary media that is the Web. I hope we can exchange experiences in the future and so many memories of that era.

My office telephone numbers are 80212) 286 3323 /286 2440, it is an attorney’s office.

I hope that in the future we can maintain constant communication.


Jaime Elias Benazar Andrade
Continuing the Who is Where,

33. Paul Quesnel's home number. 1(868)624-1025. Paul may also be able to help you with some other names. Paul works at Kiss Bakery.
I would like to inform you that there are times when I get a few emails bounced back, these are not the same every time, so please send me a note if you are missing any of the issues and would like to receive a back copy. Some email fans tell me that the bounceback messages are false in most cases, and that the email is being received but the bounceback message is automatic and is just a false alarm.

Circular No. 47 was bounced back for 20 email addresses, I was notified two weeks after I sent it!!!!.

Those that sent emails inquiring about circular No. 50, please do not worry, I had lots of work these two week. I promise, you are going to be informed the day I quit making these circulars.

God Bless

Listado: C50.xls
Photos: 021007 azier atela
Msb mount inside p.08 6404
Column: 020916 wvb home on a wing II


Listado C50.xls

Names Form V Contact nicknames business address business phone e-mail
Michieli, Daniel Roberto

Mickiewicz, Antoni Jerzy (RIP) glen

Mickiewicz, Yuri

Miller, John D.

Quebec, Canada
Minet, Alain Gustavo

Mitchell, Don 1963 lk Boxhead Antigua HQ
Mitchell, Gordon 1964 gabby
TT Construction,
Modeste, George
roge Dayboy

Moffat, Andrew

Uk??? pilot boac
Moffat, Lindsey

Uk??? art+
Moffat, Nigel 1966 gabby Pnhead Uk???


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